Monday, October 12, 2015

That Used to be OK

    Generally speaking, I try to stay out of the political fray. Partly because as a minister I am not supposed to use my influence to sway peoples’ viewpoints about matters of State, at least that seems to be the politically correct view. 
     I, generally speaking, am not a conspiracy theorist, a close-minded fanatical type, or even a hell-fire and brimstone, name-the-sin kind of preacher. As far as I know I don’t hate anyone, I have no phobias that I'm aware of except mice, heights and fast rides at the amusement park, and I don’t picket or boycott things with which I don’t agree (at least not anymore).
    I think I’m a pretty reasonable, likeable guy; at least I try to be.
But lately I’ve discovered that it doesn’t seem to be ok with a lot of folks that I’m also a man of conviction. I’m a man of faith, which automatically disqualifies me as a nice guy in a lot of people’s opinion. I kind of get that. People of faith, or at least people perceived to be people of faith have done a lot of nasty things over the years, and the rap kind of falls on all of us. 
     I go to church, I believe in Jesus (as Savior), I tend to be conservative in most of my political views (not because I’m a person of faith or because I have an axe to grind but because those are my convictions), and I still believe that there are some absolute values that would make the world we live in a better place.
     I don’t hate people whose values are different than mine, I just disagree with them. For some reason that’s not OK anymore. I’m not afraid of people whose values are different than mine, we just don’t agree about what’s important. That doesn’t mean I’m phobic, it just means we don’t see eye to eye. That used to be OK, but not anymore. If I state my opinion or decide not to support a cause, (according to some) that’s not me stating my beliefs, that’s me being “mean-spirited and hateful”, although those who may disagree with me are not being “mean-spirited or hateful” when they voice their opinions or boycott a city who has a law they don’t like.(I'm confused???)
     Let me set the record straight. I don’t hate anyone. I have convictions. I’m not against anyone. I don’t believe in mistreating Muslims or gays or Democrats. I believe in America they have a right to live their lives in peace and without fear of hate crimes like anyone else. I have friends who are Muslim, some who are gay and even some who are Democrats. I have long admired Jimmy Carter (not for his politics but for his unapologetic faith in Christ) and read his devotional guide every morning. One item on my personal bucket list is to meet him in person. I’m not a hater.
I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom to hold unpopular opinions. I believe our words ought to be kind and considerate, our worship open and accepting of whoever wants to participate and our opinions protected even if they happen to be out of step with society. 
     I long for a time and place where we are all considered important, none of us written off because of our convictions, and equally respected even when we differ with each other. You need to know that I respect you and your opinion, lifestyle and/or belief system, regardless of whether or not I agree with it.  I don’t hate you, I’m not afraid of you and I welcome your friendship and even the opportunity to build a relationship of mutual respect with you, even if we disagree about some things we both feel are very important.
     That used to be OK…

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